I'm sure that most of you are enjoying a lovely weekend with your friends and family right now...I am too!! Memorial Day weekend is such a great way to kick off summer with a long weekend full of fun!
But amidst the fun and relaxation, lets all make sure to take a moment to remember what Memorial Day is really all about. It is a day to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country and to honor those who put themselves at risk each and every day still for our country and its citizens. Freedom is not free...it has been fought for and upheld by countless men and women, many of whom never got to enjoy that freedom for which they gave their lives. Take time today and tomorrow to honor those men and women and to say "thank you" to a veteran or a member of the military, or a policeman or firefighter. Those brave people put themselves at risk day after day for YOU.
Some of my favorite Memorial Day memories are of hometown parades of veterans young and old and solemn ceremonies honoring those lost. I also get a lump in my throat each year at the Celebration at the Station when they honor veterans from each branch of service with their special songs. Cheering for those standing at attention feels amazing...I am so thankful for their sacrifice.
And while I believe we should all take time to honor those lost and those who have served, I also think that we need to enjoy this weekend and all of the fun things it has to offer with our friends and family. After all, this is what they fought for...for an America where we all can be free to celebrate!!
**I also want to say that on this Memorial Day I will be saying a special prayer for the family and friends of firefighter & Marine John Glaser. He truly is a hero.**