An estimated 30 million children in the United States play some form of organized sports, with even more participating in recreational activities such as bike riding and skateboarding. Approximately 3.5 million injuries occur each year and more than 800,000 of those injuries require a visit to the emergency department ( c
Staying hydrated is the most important summer safety tip. The Midwest is known for its heat and humidity, and children overheat and become dehydrated more quickly than adults. WebMD recommends drinking two to three glasses of water approximately two hours prior to any activity outdoors. Safe Kids USA recommends 12 ounces of water 30 minutes prior to activity, and children should break every 20 minutes for water or sports drink.
Before all activities, sports or recreation, warming up is important. Start slow and allow the joints and muscles to prepare for the exercise that will beginning soon. After an appropriate warm-up, stretching also can help decrease the chances for injury (WebMD).
Being alert to knocks on the noggin also is important. Head injuries (concussions) can range from mild to severe, and many children—especially young ones—may have difficulty expressing their feelings or pain levels. If a bump on the head seems like more than just a bump, make sure to take your child to see her doctor. Common signs of a concussion are dizziness, nausea, vomiting, confusion, memory troubles and sleep disturbances (
Finally, sun protection is essential. The sun shines its strongest from 10:00 until 2:00. During all hours—but especially these—pay close attention to the amount of exposure your child is getting. Sunscreen with SPF 30 or greater should be applied every two hours. Also make sure everyone wears sunglasses and light cotton clothing covering up as much skin as possible (WebMD).
Summer is a great time to be a kid. Sun, water, fresh air and physical activity make for a lot of fun. This summer enjoy the great outdoors and feel confident you are doing it in a safe way.