Singing “Kumbaya,” telling scary stories around the campfire, sleeping in a bunk bed, sharing sunscreen and bug spray, rolling up a sleeping bag and cooking s’mores—the lore of summer camp is storied! And although times have changed, the memorable experiences of camp continue to make lifelong impacts on kids. Here are some reasons why you should consider it for your youngsters:
- Camp teaches children to step outside their comfort zones and learn independence and teamwork. Whether or not children bring a friend along they will leave with new buddies. Before you dive into how much fun you think your kids will have, make sure to watch for signs they are prepared to leave the comfort of home—and you.
- Camp stretches that responsibility. You know your child. Sleepaway camps are usually a good idea for kids beginning at 7 or 8 years old. By that age, venturing into a new environment where he tackles taking care of his basic needs and looking out for the needs of his fellow campers can help maturity and responsibility stretch to new levels.
- Camp builds confidence. Campers will feel proud when they rustle up the confidence to be away from home, meet new people and try new activities.
- Preparing for camp enhances decision-making. When she packs her toothbrush, shampoo, shorts and swimsuit for a week at camp, your daughter will grow. On that note, a great way to prepare your child for camp is to begin packing at least a month in advance.
- Camp helps kids learn to take care of themselves. Packing clothes, toiletries, a water bottle, a favorite book, and maybe a journal to write down the fun that happens, will help your kids tend to their own physical and emotional needs. Involve your children in the packing and planning process, and they will love setting up their new home base when they arrive at camp.
- Camps help children expand their skills. There are many themed camps that may suit your children’s interests. Visit KidsCampingEssentials.com for ideas on great camps, from archery to horseback riding to fashion, space, engineering and sports. Your children’s interests can be expanded through camp!
- You may learn something too. Homesickness is not just something that kids feel. Parents may feel the pangs while their children are away. Combat this by putting notes inside your child’s bag in unexpected places. Consider sending postcards ahead of time so they arrive early in the camp mail for your child to enjoy. Supply your camper with a self-addressed postcard or two to send to you. The fun of writing about whether or not he liked the canoe ride or how magical listening to crickets at night is will thrill him—and it will warm your heart too!
Books about camping are wonderful ways to help your children see what camp is like. Visit WhatDoWeDoAllDay.com/books-about-summer-camp for titles to read with your kids. Help your youngsters get ready for a rewarding and fun camp experience—and remember to pack that flashlight!
Sources: VeryWellFamily.com, KidsCampingEssentials.com
An avid outdoors girl, Judy Goppert lives in Lee’s Summit. She enjoys drawing on her personal experiences to write about the nuances of everything wonderful about life.