“Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart…” Ecclesiastes 3:11
Boxes were stacked in the rooms where our family made memories. Moving was a way of life for us. We were committed to a career that required my husband to transfer every year or two, so we journeyed together considering each mile an adventure. Moving was a defining season for our family. We learned who we are (and who we’re not) and what makes our family thrive. With each transfer letter, our faith in God was challenged and strengthened, and our identity as a family more clearly defined. One thing I learned to appreciate about being in a new, unfamiliar place was the season of focus where our calendars were less cluttered and commitments outside of our new home few and far between.
The unknown has a way of making the known crystal clear. We knew going into each move God was our provider and we’d make the best out of every circumstance, trusting His lead. We knew adapting was our new normal. We knew patience when house hunting went awry. We knew to search for a deeper joy when temporal happiness was out of reach. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” God’s purpose for us is to be more like Jesus: forgiving, meek, patient, humble, joyful, merciful and eternally focused. With each move we knew God had a purpose for our being there and trusted His good would always trump our best ideas.
We moved to the Kansas City area five years ago. It’s been our longest stay to date, and we have no plans to move anytime soon. Staying in one place this long has solidified my belief that it is possible to bloom where you’re planted. Shallow root systems blossom as beautifully as deep-rooted plants. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” There truly is a time for everything, and embracing the daily application of that truth is a game changer. As our family digs in roots here in Kansas City, we get to be the voice of encouragement and hope for other families in seasons of transition. If that’s your family in a season of change, we pray you know God is good and find joy in your journey.
Jena Meyerpeter is a freelance writer growing roots in Lenexa.