Have you ever noticed that you are tired of clipping, sorting, organizing, deal comparing and just coupons all together? I know that it happens to me. Yep – even this coupon clipping mama experiences burn out.
I of course love to find a deal and will still try to see what I can do to save, but there are times when I can hardly stand to look a coupon in the face. I keep up with it, but it isn’t fun and it is really “work” to me. Normally coupons are fun and exciting.
How can you tell if you are on the burn out track? Well, if you can't stand the thought of clipping another coupon or you don't even care if you have a coupon to use on that box of diapers you just tossed into your car, you just might be. So, what do you do? Simple. You take a “coupon vacation.”
Yep. Just like everything else, step away for a while. I have even done this myself. Yes, this coupon clipping maniac actually ignores coupons and deals. I haven't even done much at CVS for the past 3 months because I just really needed a break from it. Now that I have done that, I am ready to tackle the shelves and increase my Extra Care Bucks and stash of toothpaste.
You are probably thinking "But what if I miss out on a really great deal?" Well, you may or may not.. But, remember, good deals come and go and if you miss out on one, you will always catch another.
You might also be worried about missing out on a high dollar coupon. Coupons will come and go and if you find that you missed out on one you really need, you can always go to couponclippers.com and purchase one for pennies on the dollar. Either toss the inserts right into the recycling bin, or bribe -- I mean, kindly ask your child to clip them for you.
Remember that you haven’t always clipped coupons and have surely missed many great deals in the past. Missing out for a couple of weeks isn’t going to break you (or your bank). And just like any other vacation, when you come back, you will feel refreshed and ready to tackle the next deal. The cashiers just had better be prepared when you come through the line with your mound of coupons and hot deals in hand!