Are you too busy?
Did you just laugh out loud when you read that? Because really, aren’t we all too busy these days? Each month I think to myself, “Once we get through x, life will really slow down.” Well guess what? I say that to myself month after month, and life is not listening to me and not slowing down. When did it happen? Was it when the girls started school? Is it as they get older and want more of a social life? I understand that a lot of my busyness is my own doing. I am a planner by nature, as well as very social. Those two traits alone make for a pretty full calendar. Add in school activities, art class, gymnastics, Girl Scouts, Bible study…well, you get the picture.
Maybe it’s just time I face the fact that life isn’t going to slow down in the near future, and the best I can do is to accept that and work with what I’ve got. To that end, we’ve put together a “Busy Parent’s Guide” for you this month to help you (and me!) make the most of the free time you have (however small it may be!). Got 5 minutes? Rebecca Ishum has an idea on how you can connect with your spouse in just 5 minutes (and talk about busy, she’s the mom of quads, so she knows what she’s talking about!).
Got 10 minutes? Jane Martin shares ideas on ways to bond with your child in just 10 short minutes, and Amanda Doll shares terrific tips on how to make mealtime less busy in your home. I hope you can find some useful tidbits in these articles. And, if you have a great way to make the most of your time, I’d love to hear it!
February brings hearts and valentines, but also preschool registration! Wendy Connelly has put together a terrific article on choosing the best preschool for your child. You’ll want to take a copy of it with you to every preschool you visit.
Happy Valentine’s Day, KC!