Hack Your Home: Keeping a Cap on the Chore Chaos


A new year means taking a fresh look in the mirror and finding ways to improve yourself and your life. What if one of those improvements were right inside your front door? Household chores may seem like the bane of your existence, but they don’t have to be. Here are five ways to hack your home in 2017 so it becomes a well-oiled (and dusted) haven for you and your whole family.

Rally the Troops

A family is a team, so there should never be an MVP of cleaning and chores. Dividing up tasks around the house is an absolute necessity. It not only teaches children about responsibility, but also gives them a sense of ownership about the home in which they live. Consider drafting up a fun chore board that lists out each person’s job. (Check out Pinterest for some great examples that are easy to create.) For teenagers, laundry and cleaning their own bathroom are a given, so work in extra chores like helping to make dinner one night a week. It might even help you avoid calls at 3:00 in the morning asking how to boil an egg once your son is in college.

Though it’s tempting to just take matters into your own hands when chores are left undone, fight the urge. Lay out reasonable expectations for when each task is to be completed and make sure penalties for missing those deadlines are clearly explained. That way, when your daughter doesn’t clean her bathroom for the third week in a row, she’s not surprised when you actually make her shovel the driveway as a consequence.

Wrap It Up

Christmas has come and gone, but the remnants of wrapping paper, bows and boxes are still keeping the memory alive. Make this the year you commit to organizing the holiday junk. Purchase an IKEA Variera plastic bag holder (which is actually a great solution in and of itself), and put it to work as a wrapping paper and bow container. For just $1.99, it’s an inexpensive way to create calm from the chaos. Check out Pinteret for other DIY solutions for overflowing package accoutrements.

Over the Door, Off the Floor

How many times have you bought air freshener only to come home and find three unused bottles? The fact is, you’re much less likely to use cleaning products if you have to climb underneath a sink (or three) just to locate them. Get your cleaning products out of the shadows and into the hands of your family by utilizing an over-the-door shoe rack. The clear plastic dividers let you see not only what you already have, but also what’s running low. And no more “I can’t find the glass cleaner!” comments from the kids. That alone is worth its weight in toilet bowl cleaner.

Shoe Box Storage

Teenagers have makeup—lots of it. While makeup bags are a nice idea, things just get tossed in at random, making the search for that one black eyeliner almost impossible. Create an inexpensive makeup organizer with your teen at home. Cover a shoe box with fun wrapping paper, then fill the box with nail polish bottles. Boom: organization!

If you have a little money to spend, buy a few acrylic organizers from Ikea, Target, the Container Store or even Amazon. The containers range in price from $5.00 to $25.00 and can help to divide and conquer the makeup madness.

But don’t stop at makeup. All those little building blocks lying on your living room carpet? Or colored pencils sprawled out on the craft table? Contain them as well. Your family even can create labels for each unit and drawer so everything has its place and every place has a name.

The 10-Minute Cleanup

Pick a time once a day to host a 10-minute cleanup. It could be just after dinner, right before bed or even after school. Set a timer for 10 minutes and give each person in the family a specific job. One person tackles toys. Another is armed with disinfectant wipes. Another has the vacuum. Start the timer and have everyone attack their job with gusto for the full 10 minutes. You will be amazed at how much can be accomplished in those 600 seconds. The room may not be deep cleaned, but it will be better than when you started. Do this once a day and you’ll be shocked at how clean your home stays.

2017 doesn’t have to be the cleanest year of your life, but it can be more organized and efficient. Take some time to action plan with your family on sharing home responsibilities. The best part? Less mess means less stress, which leaves more room for more joy and happiness in the new year.


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                Kim Antisdel is a freelance writer and interior design sales rep for Kansas City. She lives in Liberty with her husband, two stepdaughters and son.

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