The Five Pieces of Baby Gear You Won’t Want to Live Without

The amount of baby gear on the market today can be overwhelming! If you are trying to save money as you prepare for your baby’s arrival, or just don’t want your house overrun with baby gear, you may be wondering what is ESSENTIAL for your new baby. Here are the top five “must have” items recommended by the real experts…Kansas City moms and dads!

You will obviously need a way to feed your baby (breast or bottles), along with diapers and clothing (local moms surveyed recommended onesies and sleepers over complicated multi-piece baby outfits) But when it comes to GEAR, stick with this list and you will be prepared for your baby without all of the clutter and extra expense!

Sara Keenan lives in Brookside with her family. Sara’s “couldn’t live without it” baby gear item was a sling…her daughter wouldn’t take naps anywhere else for a few months!

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