MoJo for Moms

ˈmōjō: 1. influence, especially magic power 2. mom joy


New Year’s feels like magic, so fresh and full of possibilities. Now is the perfect time to gather your tribe for a family meeting and deliberately create your best year yet.


1. Reflect

Before you jump ahead to 2019, take time first to reflect with gratitude on 2018. Don’t focus on the things that went wrong. Instead, reminisce together on shared experiences, personal growth, joyful memories and how you’ve collectively evolved. Ask questions like:

Now, think about 2019 from this state of gratitude. Survey each member of your family, one by one, as if you’re circling up again at the end of next year. Envision 2019 as if it’s already happened, and answer these questions:


2. January Goals

Making a commitment to yourself for an entire year can feel overwhelming. Consider creating a short-term January goal chart, encouraging the whole family to begin the work toward what they hope to do, create and become through some small task each day. Make a poster for the wall and number it 1-31 underneath each person’s name, for all the days in January. Each day, cover the number with a small sticker when you’ve accomplished your task, and decide on a reward if the whole family meets their January goals. Hold each other accountable and cheer each other on. Small, consistent steps over time create big, meaningful results.


3. Focus Word

Small, daily tasks help us zoom in to the specifics of our goals, but coming up with a focus word helps us zoom out, remembering the bigger picture. Encourage each person to think of a single word or phrase for 2019. The power of this exercise is that it tells our brains what to look for and create more of in our lives. Some focus word examples: Consistent. Wellness. Joy. Service. Presence. Mindful. Self-compassion. Confident. Spirit. Together. Laughter. Commitment. Adventure.


Share your focus words and display them in some visual way—write them on sticky notes, draw them on a poster or use an app like WordSwag to turn them into a screensaver.


Next, work together to create a family focus word. What word will you focus on together as a family in the coming year? What does this word look like, applied to your life?


Seize the momentum of the new year, focus on the future with your family and watch in wonder as it unfolds…2019’s going to be epic.


Wendy Connelly, M.Div., is a mother of two, podcaster and Christian life coach for moms. She hosts the weekly MoJo for Moms podcast on iTunes and posts her latest workshops and content at MoJoForMoms.com.

Wendy Connelly, M.Div.

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