Belly Laughs


We asked KC Parent’s 18,500+ Facebook Fans:

Fess, up! What parenting responsibility would you secretly like to pawn off?


Kerri: Potty training or laundry, but probably laundry since it lasts longer... Well, our potty training is taking forEVer, so it might last the same amount.


Beth: Teaching a teenager to drive!! Cleaning up human waste is not nearly as scary as putting your life and theirs in their hands!


Megan: Waking up all night long.


Crystal: Cleaning up after the kids.


Shilo: Laundry and all floor care. Sweeping, mopping and vacuuming just aren't my thing.


Rose: Someone please teach my child and others that body language can also express disrespect...eye rolling, throwing hands up and walking away!


Ashley: High school math homework and teaching to drive are ranked at the top of my list!


Amy:  Cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner!


Nubia: Taking her to school! God, let me sleep in!


Samantha: Getting up early.


Margaret: Teaching the birds and the bees business.


Elizabeth: Playing Barbies with my daughter!


Jenny: Bath time! It’s always a struggle, and I end up soaked.

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