Camping in Your Backyard

Before we had kids, my husband and I went camping quite often. We would pack everything we needed for two days into our backpacks and set out on a grand adventure through the Colorado Rockies, eating food cooked over a gas stove and sleeping in a tiny tent. We naturally wanted to share this love of the outdoors with our children, but we found that camping with kids is not exactly the same experience. Kids require way too much stuff, they might get scared in the middle of the night and they don’t have the kind of stamina it takes to hike in 8 miles before setting up camp. So, we compromised and started off by camping with our kids in the backyard. Camping at home is a great way to get your kids used to camping before trying a campground, or it can simply be something fun to do on a nice weekend.  Here are some fun ideas on how to make camping at home a grand adventure!

Sara Keenan camps with her husband and two kids in Brookside occasionally and will be trying a real campout this summer.

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