Creating (and sticking to) a Bedtime Routine


A few months ago, my husband and I were pulling all-nighters and not in a fun or even semi-productive way.  After finally getting our 2-year-old to sleep in his own bed, I enjoyed approximately a week of decent sleep before my 4-year-old began balking at the idea of bedtime. Consistency in our bedtime routine was top priority. I didn’t understand what else I could do to ensure that the entire Bosse family returned to peaceful slumber. After some trial and error, online research and feedback from other parents, however, I can confidently say that we’ve eradicated our son’s sleep issues. If you’re currently suffering from child-induced sleep deprivation, here are six tips to getting a better night’s sleep all-around.

            It’s important to remember that all children are different. Some require more or less sleep than the average. Some are night owls, while others can fall asleep much earlier in the evening.  The key lies in assessing the specific needs of your child and creating a routine that suits both of you. With a little tweaking, you, too, will be on your way to a better night’s sleep.


Jennifer Bosse lives in Kansas City with her husband and two sons. Thanks to a better bedtime routine, her family is once more sleeping soundly.

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