Mommy, It's Naptime!


Guess what, kids? Mommy is TIRED and needs a nap! And here are a few reasons why she should take one.

Maintaining Mental Health

A common challenge mothers face is postpartum depression, and sleep deprivation is often closely linked to this condition. It is essential for mothers, especially in the first few months postpartum, to rest. And let’s not forget about moms of older kids. Mothers with children of all ages often feel overworked, underappreciated and exhausted, and such negative emotions can lead a mother to feel depressed. So, moms, get a good night’s sleep whenever possible and grab a 20-minute nap on occasion. It will do wonders for your psyche, helping you feel more capable and confident in your role as mommy.

Promoting Postpartum Recovery and Milk Supply

Also for postpartum mothers, rest is necessary for recovery, whether the birth was vaginal or cesarean. The body needs to heal from the beautiful, yet traumatic, marathon that birth can be. Breast-feeding mothers need to take care of themselves physically and mentally to ensure they can produce an adequate milk supply. If you are an overly exhausted postpartum mom, you will see several benefits to taking a nap when you can, including maintaining your baby’s food supply.

Combating Flu Season

With flu season upon us, another reason moms need to be well rested is to stay strong and healthy. Knowing the kids are likely to bring home lots of germs, Mommy needs to be armed with her own defense: her health. She will be the one to sit up all night with a sick kid, whether she herself is sick or not. So if you are feeling a bit run down and your 5-year-old’s nose is running, try to grab a 20-minute nap one day this week. Give yourself an extra boost to fight the germs invading your house.

Improving Memory and Alertness

Another benefit of napping is improved memory and fewer mistakes. Moms are multitaskers and are usually pretty good at it. But even the most organized mom can feel overwhelmed at times. An exhausted body combined with an exhausted brain will not process information nearly as well. Sneak in a quick nap and you will likely be more productive and alert planning the class holiday party in your head while running errands and singing “Let It Go” with your 3-year-old in the backseat.

Saving Cash!

Finally, napping saves money! Why wait 20 minutes in line for a $5 latte? Take a 20- minute nap instead and save your money for holiday shopping!

Karen Johnson is a former high school English teacher turned stay-at-home mom. She lives in Olathe with her three children, ages 5, 3 and 1. Follow her adventures at

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