Spring Cleaning: Clear the Clutter and Get Organized


Quick--name the most unorganized area of your home. Can you limit it to only one area or can you name several?

With spring officially here, I always get the itch to clean and straighten up my home. This year, I had some help in getting things fresh for warmer weather from Kristi Pelzel, a Kansas City mom and owner of The Organization People. Together with Donna, another member of The Organization People team, we were able to transform my closet in just about four hours! You can also experience the a newly organized space! Enter to win a $500 Package from The Organization People in our Messy Room Contest.

Confession time…I like to be in control. In some situations, this serves me well, and in others, it can be a hindrance. I was a bit apprehensive at first at having someone come into my personal space and tell me what to do. Kristi’s services begin with a consultation at your home, and after a short while, she put me at ease and I knew I could do this. In anticipation of her visit, I had been thinking about the area of my home I considered most unorganized. Because I have never really made an effort to organize my closet (and the size 4 clothes hanging there testified to my long neglect of it), I thought it would be the logical target for organization.

During the consultation, Kristi, Donna and I spent a good amount of time in the closet. Kristi had a lot of great ideas on things we could do to make the closet more appealing and much better organized. One thing I appreciated was the fact that Kristi really likes to use things you already have to organize so that you aren’t spending a lot of money on supplies. She noticed I had a lot of bins around my house and suggested I combine some of the bins together so I could use some in my closet.

Following the consultation, Kristi emailed me a detailed plan of organization, including several options on supplies needed, cost and where I could purchase the items. Supplies purchased, I was armed and ready to tackle the closet! The first thing we did was take out every single item from the closet. Wow! I had a LOT of stuff in there! While Kristi and Donna removed items, I went through the mountain and sorted items into three stacks: keep, donate or pitch. It was extremely helpful having Kristi and Donna with me. Had I attempted this on my own, I would have hit several snags and would have never finished in just one day. When I came to a stack of old birthday cards, they encouraged me to get through them quickly. On my own, I could have easily spent an hour looking at just the cards. After they had emptied and cleaned the closet, they began to take my sorted piles and place them back in the closet, in a much more attractive and user-friendly manner. I purposefully stayed out of the closet while they placed everything back in so I could see everything in its place. I’m glad I did. When I finally went into the closet, I was amazed. It looked fabulous, and everything was so nicely organized! All of my flip flops were together, and my scarves were all in one place. All of Ty’s concert t-shirts finally had a home—pure bliss! It looks so nice, I may just move in.

For more information on The Organization People, visit www.TheOrganizationPeople.com or www.KCOrganizationPeople.com or call 913.547.2979.

Below, Kristi shares her top five tips to help you get a start organizing your home.


Top 5 Universal Organization Tips

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