Take Back Your Weekend


People talk about it, we all wait for it and most of us long for it once its gone. Radio announcers foster our anticipation for it, egging us on by letting us know when we’ve bypassed the mid-week hump and ultimately declare victory when they exclaim, Thank God it's Friday! Thank God it's Friday? Minus the commute, what’s the difference between Saturday and Sunday versus any other day of the week? Those who declare their glee with the weekends arrival must be single or hermits. If they had families with kids the only statement they’d be muttering is, Thank goodness its Monday!

We want to relax on the weekend and enjoy our family but in the midst of dance and swim lessons, birthday parties, errands, chores, Ms. Frizzle science projects and those six pesky meals that are supposed to be provided during the work week hiatus, who can find the time anymore? All of us really. If you’re fed up with the school year rat race, these wind-down strategies will provide you with some much needed weekend relief.

Social is Optional Really

You know how you’re always telling your kids that you’re the boss? Well you’re right, so remember that when you’re planning family activities and accepting social invitations. Molly Gold, a recognized expert on scheduling issues unique to families reminds us that, Social is optional really! Parents are the family’s social gatekeeper so its up to you to put the brakes on little Johnny attending back-to-back parties. Every family member has needs that they want to have met during the very short weekend and your need to relax must be remembered as well. Work together when it comes to planning your weekend so your desire for downtime is balanced with Johnny’s need for party loot bags and birthday cake. Your weekend schedule will only be as busy as you allow it to be.

Family time is a commodity

Think of family time as if you’re spending money. Can you really afford to add another event to a Saturday line-up that already includes swimming lessons, guitar class and the t-ball championships? No, you cant. And since were thinking in terms of money, what’s the cost to you and your spouse, who will be driving in different directions, dealing with meltdowns and eating on the fly because you haven’t seen your kitchen since 8:48 a.m? The other cost? Saturday and Sunday are the only two days you get to spend with your family without works distractions. The value of your family relationships will compound monthly if you create positive weekends where drop-offs and pick-ups are substituted for quality time spent together.

Invite your family to dinner

No, not your parents and in-laws, come on, we're trying to reduce stress here. I mean the family that’s right there under your roof! Schedule it. Same time, same place, everyone has to be there, for the rest of eternity. This is important, more so as your children get older and start their own job and their own ways of getting around. I don’t want to sound like your Aunt Agatha, but there is some truth to the old adage that the family that eats together, stays together. Imagine, enjoying conversations that don’t begin with Okay, I’m ready now, you can come pick me up. Out of the two days, look to see when there seems to be a lull in your kid’s activities and make that the permanent family mealtime. Make it clear to them that all of their comings and goings should be planned around this-it takes priority. You can make this happen, you are the family gatekeeper (see number 1).

Multi-task the Household Tasks

Let's face it. It would be nave to think that the entire weekend can be all play and no work. But that doesn’t mean that chores and errands have to eat up your weekend. Get them out of the way fast and free up more time for fun by dividing them by two-with your spouse. Here again, the newly appointed gatekeeper must rise. The gatekeeper must brew coffee, distract the little ones and sit down with the gatekeepers assistant to divvy up the chores, errands, drop-offs and pick-ups efficiently (incidentally, this can also be done on a Friday evening over wine). Don’t forget the most important must-do, a fun and simple activity that the whole family can enjoy. All of this should lead the successful gatekeeper to the all-time favorite Step 5

Time for Me, Me, Me

The kids activities are in check, the household is in working order and the guests are invited to share a meal. All this and its only Saturday afternoon? Whatever will you do with yourself? Opportunity abounds with the ability to exercise, read a book, meditate, go shopping or to an afternoon movie. When free time presents itself use it for just that and go do something you enjoy, even if that’s just reading a good book or soaking in a leisurely bath. At some point you have to let your body rest, your mind calm and do something for you. The chances of that happening between Monday and Friday are miniscule at best, so Saturday and Sunday is when you’ve got to grab your chance. Only then will you recapture the relief that the weekend is supposed to bring. Enjoy!

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