When Family Dinners Don’t Work: More Ways to Connect


            We’ve all heard how important it is for families to gather around the dinner table every night for quality time together. However, even though many parents try hard to make the practice work, sometimes it just doesn’t. The fact of the matter is that every family is different, and for some, dinner isn’t the best time to congregate for family time. Conflicting evening schedules among family members may make it tough, but don’t beat yourself up for it. You have so many other options to spend regular family time together each day that don’t necessarily require the dinner table. In fact, studies now state that quality family time doesn’t necessarily need to take place at the dinner table. It’s the time spent connecting with and influencing our kids that truly matters, not where those moments take place. So if you’re struggling to make it to the dinner table every night, take a look at some of these great ideas that just might work for your clan instead!

The secret behind making family dinners work is multifaceted: It’s a choice that takes time and know-how, schedules must coincide, and you must make it a priority. If it’s not a priority, then it won’t work. And if it doesn’t work for your family, whatever the reason, then it doesn’t work. And that’s okay as long as you pursue some of the many other ways to connect as a family. Once you find what works for your crew, keep on keeping on and make gathering a regular event everyone looks forward to.

Kansas City mom and author Gina Klein has always made family dinnertime a priority in her home, along with family meetings, game nights, sweet treats, TV time and whatever else can be fit in each week!

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