Heart disease. Maybe you think you are too young to start worrying about it. Maybe you think it’s a man’s disease. Maybe you think that because you eat well and stay active, your heart is perfectly healthy. Whatever your thoughts may be, heart disease is not something to overlook. February is Heart Month and the perfect time to pay extra attention to your heart.
Louisburg mother Rosemary Begley always had low blood pressure, participated in dance classes and ate a very healthy diet. However, at only 52 years old, Begley suffered a heart attack and had a double bypass surgery. Here are three things women of all ages should pay attention to in order to prevent heart disease:
Take care of yourself. According to www.HeartHealthyWomen.org, adults should strive to exercise 30 minutes a day in order to keep their hearts healthy. When it comes to your diet, try to incorporate fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish and avoid saturated fats, trans fats, sugar and salt.
Know your test results. Although she was active and healthy, Begley sensed something was not right with her heart years prior to her heart attack. She had felt small palpitations and unusual pain down her arm. But after multiple ECGs, the doctor told her nothing was wrong. However, Begley had high cholesterol all along. “Know your blood test results,” Begley says. “Be sure to know your cholesterol numbers.” If her cholesterol had been controlled sooner, her heart attack could have been prevented.
Trust your gut feeling. You know yourself best. If you sense that something is wrong, don’t take no for an answer. “I sensed I had a heart issue,” Begley says. “But the doctor told me I was just fine.” Be proactive about taking care of your heart and preventing heart disease. If you feel that something is not right, figure out what the problem is.
Amanda Blue is an intern for KC Parent Magazine. She is a sophomore at the University of Kansas where she is studying journalism.