Applying for College, Year by Year

Graduation is just four short years away for your child who just entered high school, and you may be wondering what you can do now to help your student get into college.  Starting preparations early is important, so don’t put everything off until the senior year when it may be too late to get into your child’s top schools. This guide can help students know what they should be doing to prepare to apply for college as they move through each year of high school. Remember, as a parent you have the job to guide and advise them through this process, but let students make their own choices.  

FRESHMAN YEAR (and beyond)

SOPHOMORE YEAR (and beyond)

JUNIOR YEAR (and beyond)


Once you’ve navigated through the process of applying for college and making your choice, the fun begins!  There will be all sorts of new decisions to make about where to live and what to major in and how to decorate your residence hall room. But for now, relax and pat yourself on the back for making it through! 

Sara Keenan was a campus tour guide when she attended Kansas State University.  She now works at Rockhurst University and enjoys meeting a new group of students each year who are just starting their journey.

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